1. 開機時,按“F1”鍵進入 BIOS 畫面。
2. 進入 BIOS 之後,進入“Config”頁面
3. 再進入“Serial ATA(SATA)”頁面
4. 將原先的“AHCI”改成“Compatibility”
5. 按“F10”存檔並離開BIOS ,選“Yes”後重新開機
6. 接著就是通常的從光碟安裝XP作業系統的過程。
7. 安裝完XP作業系統後,從硬碟安裝SP3包(大約340M左右,需提前準備好),使系統升級到Windows_XP_SP3。(從SP2升級到SP3的好處是可以避免安裝音效卡時所需的一個驅動,Universal Audio Architecture(UAA) High Definition Audio class driver,kb888111xp2,因為此驅動已經包含在SP3裡,如果不升級到SP3,那麼就需要安裝此驅動才能安裝音效卡。)
三、馬上安裝SATA硬碟驅動,Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver for Windows 2000, XP, Vista (32bit)。(注意,該驅動必須在裝完XP系統和SP3後,立即進行。決不能在此之前安裝任何其它驅動,甚至包括主機板驅動Intel Chipset Support for Windows Vista, XP, 2000)
1.按兩下執行此驅動檔Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver,即7tim04w.exe
3.License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”
6.到 C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IMSM\PREPARE,按兩下install.cmd,會快速出現DOS安裝畫面。
7.在“我的電腦”上點滑鼠右鍵,選“管理”,選“裝置管理員”,選“IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器”,下面會列出三項,選“第一項”,右鍵,選“更新驅動程式”,選“從清單或指定位置安裝”,下一步,選“不要搜索,我要自己選擇安裝的驅動程式”,下一步,選“從磁片安裝”,選擇“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IMSM\iaahci”,此時從出現的驅動程式裡選擇“Intel(R) 82801HEM/HBM SATA AHCI Controller”,下一步,此時會出現安裝驅動程式警告的提示,不要理睬,選“是”,這樣強制安裝該驅動,點“完成”,出現重啟電腦提示,選“是”,重新開機電腦,啟動時,應馬上立刻“F1”進入BIOS,將“Compatibility”改回“AHCI”,按“F10”保存離開BIOS,選“YES”重新開機。至此就OK了,系統肯定重啟成功,不會出現藍屏現象,SATA硬碟成功的重回AHCI模式。圖片過程如下。
重啟後,可以再進入到“裝置管理員”“IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器”下去看一下,會發現第一項變成了Intel(R) 82801HEM/HBM SATA AHCI Controller,這說明SATA硬碟AHCI驅動安裝成功,硬碟成功工作在AHCI模式下運行XP系統。
四、安裝主機板晶片組驅動,Intel Chipset Support for Windows Vista, XP, 2000
1.按兩下驅動程式Intel Chipset Support for Windows Vista, XP, 2000,即oss704ww.exe。
2.按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\INTELINF”,按“Next”,按“Finish”。
3. 到 C:\DRIVERS\WIN\INTELINF路徑,按兩下“infinst_autol.exe”,出現安裝畫面“Intel 晶片組裝置軟體”,按“下一步”,出現授權合約畫面,按“是”,出現Readme 畫面,按“下一步”,接下來的畫面顯示將開始安裝驅動程式,按“下一步”,安裝完成後,選擇“是,我想現在重新開機電腦”,按“完成”。
五、安裝網卡驅動Intel PRO/1000 LAN adapter software for Windows 2000, XP。
1.按兩下驅動程式Intel PRO/1000 LAN adapter software for Windows 2000, XP,即7kra22ww.exe。
2.按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\ETHERNET”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
3.在桌面上的“我的電腦”上按右鍵,選“管理”,選“裝置管理員”,選“其它設備”,會發現最下面有兩個“Ethernet控制卡”,選第二個,也就是下面的Ethernet控制卡,按兩下之或右鍵,選“更新驅動程式”,選“從清單或指定位置安裝”,下一步,選“不要搜索,我要自己選擇安裝的驅動程式”,下一步,選“在這些位置中搜尋最好的驅動程式”,然後勾選“搜尋時包括這個位置”,按下“流覽”鍵,將路徑指向“C:\Drivers\WIN\Ethernet\PRO1000\Win32”,按下一步,系統自動顯示找到“Intel(R) 82566M Gigabit Network Connection”安裝,按“完成”,關閉相關的畫面。
4.到路徑“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\ETHERNET\APPS\PROSETDX\Win32”,按兩下 DxSetup.EXE,出現歡迎畫面,按下一步,出現授權合約畫面,選“我接受該授權合約中的條款”,按下一步,選擇安裝類型,選“驅動程式、Intel PROSet與進階網路服務”,按“下一步”,按“安裝”,安裝完成,請按“完成”。
六、安裝無線網卡驅動 Wireless LAN adapter software (ThinkPad 802.11bg, 802.11abg) for Windows 2000 and XP,即7rwc09ww.exe。
1.按兩下7rwc09ww.exe,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\WLLANATH”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\WLLANATH”,按兩下“setup.exe”,出現安裝畫面,按“下一步”,選擇程式資料夾,預設名稱為“Wireless Configuration”,按“下一步”,接下來的畫面顯示將開始安裝驅動程式,安裝完成後,選擇“是,立即啟動電腦”,按“完成”,重啟電腦。
七、安裝ThinkVantage Access Connections for Windows 2000 and XP,即7tcx26ww.exe。
1.按兩下7tcx26ww.exe,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選擇“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\ACCON”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成,按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\ACCON”,按兩下“Setup.exe”,出現歡迎畫面,按“下一步”,預設安裝到“C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities”,按“下一步”,不勾選“啟用Access Connections視窗登入使用者名稱及密碼功能”,按“下一步”。安裝完成後,選擇“是,立即啟動電腦”,按“完成”,重啟開機。
八、安裝最新DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime,即directx_jun2008_redist.exe。
九、安裝顯卡驅動Display driver(GMA X3100)for Windows XP, 2000,即7ld140ww.exe。
1.按兩下7ld140ww.exe,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreemen”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\DISPLAY”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\WXP\DISPLAY”裡,按兩下“Setup.exe”,出現歡迎畫面,按“Next”,License Agreement 畫面,按“Yes”,接下來的畫面顯示將開始安裝驅動程式,安裝完成後,選擇“是,立即啟動電腦”,按“完成”,重啟開機。
十、安裝監視器驅動Monitor file for Windows 2000, XP, Vista,即79oi07ww.exe。
1.按兩下79oi07ww.exe,執行後按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\Drivers\WIN\MONITOR”,按“Next”,按“Finish”。
2.在桌面上按右鍵,選“屬性”,選“設置”,選右下角的“高級”,點選“監視器”後,進入“屬性”,選“驅動程式”,選“更新驅動程式”,選“不,現在不要”,按“下一步”,選“從清單或特定位置安裝(進階)”,按“下一步”,選“不要搜尋,我將選擇要安裝的驅動程式”,按“下一步”,選“在這些位置中搜尋最好的驅動程式”,然後勾選“搜尋時包括這個位置”,按下“流覽”鍵,將路徑指向“C:\Drivers\WIN\MONITOR”,按“下一步”,系統顯示安裝了“ThinkPad Display”,按“完成”,後按“關閉”。
十一、安裝 Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) High Definition Audio class driver (Q888111) for Windows XP with Service Pack 2,即kb888111xp2chs.exe。(對於安裝了SP3的XP,此步跳過,不需要安裝該驅動,直接進行第十二步即可。)
十二、安裝音效卡驅動Audio Features for Windows XP, 2000,即7ka114ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7ka114ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement 畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮在路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\Audio”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
十三、安裝Modem驅動Modem driver for Windows 2000, XP, Vista (32 and 64bit),即7fma13ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7fma13ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\HDAMODEM”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\HDAMODEM”裡,按兩下SETUP.exe,按“確定”,畫面會顯示安裝進度出現“NetWaiting安裝介面”,按“下一步”,授權合約畫面,按“是”,預設安裝路徑為“C:\Program Files\NetWaiting”,按“下一步”,接下來為選擇程式安裝夾,如果不想變更,直接按“下一步”,安裝完畢後選,按“完成”,出現“Digital Line Detection安裝介面”,按“下一步”,授權合約畫面,按“是”,預設安裝路徑為“C:\Program Files\Digital Line Detect”,按“下一步”,接下來為選擇程式安裝夾,如果不想變更,直接按“下一步”,安裝完畢後按“完成”,全部安裝程式完成,按“確定”。
十四、安裝 Power manager driver for Windows 2000, XP,即7tu706ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7tu706ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\PWRMGR”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\PWRMGR”裡,按兩下“Setup.exe”,首先選擇安裝的語系,例如中文(簡體),按“確定”,按“下一步”,預設安裝路徑為“C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities”,按“下一步”,選擇安裝類型,預設是“一般安裝”,按“下一步”,選擇程式資料夾,預設會安裝到“ThinkVantage”,如不想變更,按“下一步”。安裝完成後,請選擇“是,立即重新開機電腦”,並按“完成”重啟電腦。
十五、安裝ThinkPad Power Management driver for Windows Vista, XP, 2000, Me, 98SE,即7tku03ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7tku03ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IBMPM”,按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IBMPM”裡,按兩下“Setup.exe”,出現歡迎畫面,按“Next”,安裝完成後,選擇“Yes, I want to restart my computer now”,並按“Finish”.
十六、安裝UltraNav driver for Windows 2000, XP,即7igu03ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7igu03ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\UNAV”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\UNAV”裡,按兩下“Setup.exe”,首先出現“選取安裝語言”,選“英語”,按“確定”,按“Next”,安裝完畢後選“Yes, I want to restart my computer now”,按“Finish”。
十七、安裝Hotkey driver for Windows Vista, XP, 2000,即7tvu14ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7tvu14ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選擇“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\HOTKEY”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成,按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\HOTKEY”,按兩下“Setup.exe”,出現歡迎畫面,按“安裝或升級驅動程式或軟體”,按“下一步”,點選“On Screen Display”、“ThinkPad FullScreen Magnifier”,按“安裝”,按“確定”,按“關閉”,按“是”,重啟機器。
十八、安裝Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software for Windows XP, 2000,即7jba10ww.exe。
1. 要開始安裝該驅動程式前,請務必遵守以下幾點規則,以免安裝失敗:Bluetooth軟體安裝時,不要任意碰觸鍵盤、TrackPoint、TouchPad;將ThinkPad的“無線硬體開關”打開,確認LCD下方藍芽標誌有亮,或按下“Fn+F5”熱鍵,確定藍芽無線通訊功能已開啟。
2.按兩下執行7jba10ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\TPBTooth”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
3. 到“C:\DRIVERS\TPBTooth”裡,按兩下Setup.exe,出現歡迎畫面,按“下一步”,選擇“我接受該授權合約中的條款(A)”,按“下一步”,預設安裝到“C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Bluetooth Software”,請直接按“下一步”,按“安裝”,當“Driver Signature Notice”畫面出現時,按“OK”,稍待一會之後,按“完成”。
十九、安裝ThinkVantage Active Protection System for Windows Vista 32-bit, XP, 2000,即7ksa14ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7ksa14ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\HPROTECT”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
二十、安裝 Atmel TPM (Trusted Platform Module) device driver for Windows Vista 32-bit, XP, 2000,即79za05ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行79za05ww.exe,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\TPM”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.在桌面上的“我的電腦”上按右鍵,選“管理”,選“裝置管理員”,在“其它設備”中按兩下剩下的那一個“無法辨識的設備”,進入“驅動程式”,點選“更新驅動程式”,此時會出現硬體更新介面,點選“不,現在不要”,按“下一步”,選擇“從清單或特定位置安裝(進階)”,按“下一步”,先點選“在這些位置中搜尋最好的驅動程式”,然後勾選“搜尋時包括這個位置”,按下“流覽”鍵,將路徑指向“C:\DRIVERS\WIN\TPM”,按“下一步”,系統顯示找到“Atmel TPM”,按“完成”,關閉相關的畫面。
二十一、安裝 EasyEject Utility for Windows Vista, XP, 2000,即7ku208ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7ku208ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\EZEJECT”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\EZEJECT”,按兩下“Setup.exe”,首先選擇安裝的語系,例如中文(簡體),按“確定”,按“下一步”,預設安裝路徑為“C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities”,按“下一步”,選擇安裝類型,預設是“一般安裝”,如不想變更,按“下一步”,選擇程式資料夾,預設會安裝到“ThinkVantage”,如不想變更,按“下一步”,安裝完成後,請選擇“是,立即重新開機電腦”,並按“完成”重啟電腦。
二十二、安裝 Presentation Director for Windows Vista, XP, 2000,即7rua22ww.exe。
1.按兩下執行7rua22ww.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\PDIRECT”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成後按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\PDIRECT”,按兩下“Setup.exe”,首先選擇安裝的語系,例如中文(簡體),按“確定”,按“下一步”,預設安裝路徑為“C:\Program Files\Lenovo\NPDIRECT”,按“下一步”,選擇程式資料夾,預設會安裝到“ThinkVantage”,如不想變更,按“下一步”,安裝完成後,請選擇“是,立即重新開機電腦”,並按“完成”重啟電腦。
二十三、安裝ThinkVantage Productivity Center,7tuy01cw.exe。
1.按兩下執行7tuy01cw.exe後,按“Next”,License Agreement畫面,選擇“I accept the terms in the license agreement”,按“Next”,檔案預設解壓縮路徑為“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\PRDCTR”,如不想變更請直接按“Next”,解壓縮完成,按“Finish”。
2.到“C:\DRIVERS\W2K\PRDCTR”,按兩下“Setup.exe”,出現歡迎畫面,按“安裝或升級驅動程式或軟體”,按“下一步”,點選“Productivity Center Supplement for ThinkPad”、“ThinkVantage Productivity Center”,按“安裝”,按“確定”,按“關閉”,按“是”,重啟機器。
二十四、安裝Disabling tool for Intel Turbo Memory Driver,即7kip05ww.exe。
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Clear blocked OCS queue
In Se37,
Use the function module OCS_RESET_QUEUE -> Single Test with the parameters IV_TOOL=SAINT, IV_FORCE=X
Use the function module OCS_RESET_QUEUE -> Single Test with the parameters IV_TOOL=SAINT, IV_FORCE=X
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Solution Manager RFC setup
Check if any of the following RFC connections have been setup in SM59:
Perform a test in SM59 by clicking on the 'Test Connection' button. If the test is successful, you should be able to download Service Marketplace notes through your SAPGui using SNOTES.
If the test is not successful, ensure that your RFC connection has the following entries:
Target System: O01 Msg.
Server: /H//S/sapdp99/H//S/s apdp99/H/oss001 Group: EWA
Client: 000
Password: CPIC
Perform a test in SM59 by clicking on the 'Test Connection' button. If the test is successful, you should be able to download Service Marketplace notes through your SAPGui using SNOTES.
If the test is not successful, ensure that your RFC connection has the following entries:
Target System: O01 Msg.
Server: /H/
Client: 000
Password: CPIC
Friday, November 28, 2008
SAP Client Export/ Import
使用事务代码:FTWP及FTWA即可SCC8导出数据,再SCC7导入; SCC8倒出CLIENT,文件会在datafile和cofile两个目录下分别存放控制文件和数据文件,把它拷贝到目标目录下,加入buffer,后可用STMS进行IMPORT,用SCC3监视进程,完成后,用SCC7做POST IMPORT。即可, 但是前提是两个SERVER的STMS必须建好,并采用虚拟目标系统
使用事务代码:FTWP及FTWA即可SCC8导出数据,再SCC7导入; SCC8倒出CLIENT,文件会在datafile和cofile两个目录下分别存放控制文件和数据文件,把它拷贝到目标目录下,加入buffer,后可用STMS进行IMPORT,用SCC3监视进程,完成后,用SCC7做POST IMPORT。即可, 但是前提是两个SERVER的STMS必须建好,并采用虚拟目标系统
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
RPC over HTTPS of DG
How to setup RPC over HTTPS of Outlook 2003
RPC over HTTPS can help user connect to MS Exchange server as in office with full function. User can use Outlook anywhere if they can use IE to surf World Wide Web. They do not need to know anything of the access point.
Part I: Prerequisite
To use this function, computer must meet the following prerequisite:
² Windows XP must be updated to service pack 2
The version of XP can check with following:
Right click My Computerà Properties, check the version in General tab
The version show in here
² MS office must be 2003 with service pack 2
The version of Office can check:
1. Open MS Word or MS Excel, following example is using MS Word
2. Click on Help à About Microsoft Office Word
Click on Help
Click on Abot Microsoft Office Word
The version show in here
3. If the version of MS Office 2003 is not SP2, please download the service pack 2 in following link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=57E27A97-2DB6-4654-9DB6-EC7D5B4DD867&displaylang=en
Part II: Install the SSL certificate in Internet Explorer 6
To use the RPC over HTTPS, the computer must install the certificate from our server
1. Open IE 6, input the path https://dgex1.chingfung.com/exchange in the Address
Input address in here
2. When see the Security Alert, click OK
Click OK
3. In another Security Alert Windows, click View Certificate, don’t click OK
Click View Certificate
4. In Certificate Windows, click Install Certificate
Click Install Certificate
5. In Certificate Import Wizard windows, click Next
Click Next
6. Select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate, click Next
2. Click Next
1. Select this option
In the last screen of Certificate Import Wizard, click Finish
Click Finish
7. A Security Warning windows will popup, just click Yes
Click Yes
8. In successful windows, click OK, and then click OK to return the screen in step 3
2. Click OK
1. Click OK
Select this option
9. In the Security Alert window, click No and close the IE
2. Click NoPart III: Configure Outlook 2003 to use HTTPS
To configure the Outlook 2003, most safety way is to add a profile of Outlook 2003; therefore the Outlook 2003 can keep the original setting.
1. Open Control panel, double click on Mail
Click Mail
2. In Mail Setup Windows, click Show Profiles….
Click Show Profiles…
3. In Mail Windows, select Prompt for a profile to be used, also please remember the profile of exiting Outlook setting, here is Outlook
1. Select this option
2. Click Add….
4. In Profile Name: of New Profile window, input a meaningful name, here is HTTPS, and then click OK
1. Input a name
2. Click OK
5. In E-mail Accounts windows, select Add a new e-mail account and then click Next
2. Click Next
1. Select this option
6. In another E-mail Accounts windows, Select Microsoft Exchange Server and click Next
2. Click Next
1. Select this option
7. In Microsoft Exchange Server, fill dgex1.chingfung.com, check the option Use Cached Exchange Mode, and in the User Name field, username is the first-half part of email address, e.g. if email address is abc_def@chingfung.com, the username is abc_def, input the user name of the user, and then click More Setting, the screen will hang on here a moment (time is depend the connection speed to Internet)
2. Input the username
3. Click More Setting
1. Input dgex1.chingfung.com
8. After a moment, a warning message popup, just click OK
9. Another window popup, click OK
10. A window called Exchange Server popup, select the Connection tab, check the Connect to my Exchange mailbox using HTTP, and click Exchange Proxy Settings….
3. Click this
2. check this option
1. Select this tab
11. In Exchange Proxy Setting Windows, fill dgex1.chingfung.com in the textbox after https://, check on slow networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP. In Proxy authentication setting, select Basic Authentication and click OK
4. Click OK
3. Select Basic Authentication
2. Select this Option
1. Fill dgex1.chingfun.com
12. After return to Microsoft Exchange Server screen, click OK
Click OK
13. After return to the E-mail Account window, click Next
Click Next
14. A congratulation screen appears; click Finish to exit the setting
Part IV: Use Outlook with RPC over HTTPS
1. Open Microsoft Outlook, a Choose Profile screen appear, choose the name used in part III step 4, here is HTTPS (Outlook is the original email setting) and then click OK
2. A window popup appear, input username and password in related field. Username must in following format: chingfung\username
3. After short time of delay, Outlook will display the recent email in normal mode. Also the Outlook will download the old email in background. It will take a long time if there have mass volume of email store in server
Part IV: Confirm Outlook is using RPC over HTTPS
1. Start à Run, type “Outlook /rpcdiag”
2. Press enter and select profile
3. After enter the password, Outlook will open in normal situation and a dialog will show the status of the connection, below is a successful case to use RPC over HTTPS
RPC over HTTPS can help user connect to MS Exchange server as in office with full function. User can use Outlook anywhere if they can use IE to surf World Wide Web. They do not need to know anything of the access point.
Part I: Prerequisite
To use this function, computer must meet the following prerequisite:
² Windows XP must be updated to service pack 2
The version of XP can check with following:
Right click My Computerà Properties, check the version in General tab
The version show in here
² MS office must be 2003 with service pack 2
The version of Office can check:
1. Open MS Word or MS Excel, following example is using MS Word
2. Click on Help à About Microsoft Office Word
Click on Help
Click on Abot Microsoft Office Word
The version show in here
3. If the version of MS Office 2003 is not SP2, please download the service pack 2 in following link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=57E27A97-2DB6-4654-9DB6-EC7D5B4DD867&displaylang=en
Part II: Install the SSL certificate in Internet Explorer 6
To use the RPC over HTTPS, the computer must install the certificate from our server
1. Open IE 6, input the path https://dgex1.chingfung.com/exchange in the Address
Input address in here
2. When see the Security Alert, click OK
Click OK
3. In another Security Alert Windows, click View Certificate, don’t click OK
Click View Certificate
4. In Certificate Windows, click Install Certificate
Click Install Certificate
5. In Certificate Import Wizard windows, click Next
Click Next
6. Select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate, click Next
2. Click Next
1. Select this option
In the last screen of Certificate Import Wizard, click Finish
Click Finish
7. A Security Warning windows will popup, just click Yes
Click Yes
8. In successful windows, click OK, and then click OK to return the screen in step 3
2. Click OK
1. Click OK
Select this option
9. In the Security Alert window, click No and close the IE
2. Click NoPart III: Configure Outlook 2003 to use HTTPS
To configure the Outlook 2003, most safety way is to add a profile of Outlook 2003; therefore the Outlook 2003 can keep the original setting.
1. Open Control panel, double click on Mail
Click Mail
2. In Mail Setup Windows, click Show Profiles….
Click Show Profiles…
3. In Mail Windows, select Prompt for a profile to be used, also please remember the profile of exiting Outlook setting, here is Outlook
1. Select this option
2. Click Add….
4. In Profile Name: of New Profile window, input a meaningful name, here is HTTPS, and then click OK
1. Input a name
2. Click OK
5. In E-mail Accounts windows, select Add a new e-mail account and then click Next
2. Click Next
1. Select this option
6. In another E-mail Accounts windows, Select Microsoft Exchange Server and click Next
2. Click Next
1. Select this option
7. In Microsoft Exchange Server, fill dgex1.chingfung.com, check the option Use Cached Exchange Mode, and in the User Name field, username is the first-half part of email address, e.g. if email address is abc_def@chingfung.com, the username is abc_def, input the user name of the user, and then click More Setting, the screen will hang on here a moment (time is depend the connection speed to Internet)
2. Input the username
3. Click More Setting
1. Input dgex1.chingfung.com
8. After a moment, a warning message popup, just click OK
9. Another window popup, click OK
10. A window called Exchange Server popup, select the Connection tab, check the Connect to my Exchange mailbox using HTTP, and click Exchange Proxy Settings….
3. Click this
2. check this option
1. Select this tab
11. In Exchange Proxy Setting Windows, fill dgex1.chingfung.com in the textbox after https://, check on slow networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP. In Proxy authentication setting, select Basic Authentication and click OK
4. Click OK
3. Select Basic Authentication
2. Select this Option
1. Fill dgex1.chingfun.com
12. After return to Microsoft Exchange Server screen, click OK
Click OK
13. After return to the E-mail Account window, click Next
Click Next
14. A congratulation screen appears; click Finish to exit the setting
Part IV: Use Outlook with RPC over HTTPS
1. Open Microsoft Outlook, a Choose Profile screen appear, choose the name used in part III step 4, here is HTTPS (Outlook is the original email setting) and then click OK
2. A window popup appear, input username and password in related field. Username must in following format: chingfung\username
3. After short time of delay, Outlook will display the recent email in normal mode. Also the Outlook will download the old email in background. It will take a long time if there have mass volume of email store in server
Part IV: Confirm Outlook is using RPC over HTTPS
1. Start à Run, type “Outlook /rpcdiag”
2. Press enter and select profile
3. After enter the password, Outlook will open in normal situation and a dialog will show the status of the connection, below is a successful case to use RPC over HTTPS
Create root certificate for WM5
1. Use SSLChainSaver to get the certificate from Exchange.
2. Rename XML file to _setup.xml (must)
3. Use makecab to make a cab file with file name rootcert.cab
2. Rename XML file to _setup.xml (must)
3. Use makecab to make a cab file with file name rootcert.cab
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