使用 Mac 機的 OS X 作業系統時,我們通常會將常用的應用程式擺放在 Dock 上,方便隨時開啓。但隨著應用程式越來越多,Dock 也顯得雜亂無章。有沒有辦法能將不同類型的應用程式分割開呢?答案當然是有的。只須在 Dock 上添加個空位,十分簡單,不需要運行專業程式,直接使用 OS X 的終端機程式執行命令即可。
打開終端機(應用程式 > 工具程式),輸入以下命令:
defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array-add ‘{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}’
每一次輸入並回車執行,Dock 則會新增一個空位。然後再輸入以下命令,重新啓動 Dock:
killall Dock
重新啓動後,Dock 左側部分即會多出個空位,你可將空位拖移到你想擺放的位置進行分割。以上命令只適用於 Dock 左側部分,如果你想在右側堆棧部分添加空位的話,則須輸入以下命令:
defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add ‘{tile-data={}; tile-type="spacer-tile";}’
同樣再輸入以下命令重新啓動 Dock 執行:
killall Dock
用空位分割後的 Dock 是不是更舒適,也清晰明了呢?如果你想將 Dock 上的空位刪除,只需將空位拖移出去,它就會灰飛煙滅消失啦。
Monday, April 30, 2012
How Route between two different virtual networks in Hyper-V
When new internal network is created from “Virtual Network Manager”, new virtual “Local Area Connection X” is automatically created under “Control Panel > Network Connections”. We can use RRAS (routing and remote access) to route between virtual “Local Area Connection”.
- Open Hyper-V console
- Click on “Virtual Network Manager” under “Actions” Pane
- Enter Name, choose “Internal”, click “Add”, click “OK”
- You will noticed that new Local Area Connection is created under “Control Panel > Network Connections”
- Right click on the newly created Local Area Connection, choose properties.
- On TCP/IPv4 screen, enter IP: , Subnet: and no gateway. ( Repeat step 2 to 6 if you would like to create multiple networks )
- Open “Routing and Remote Access” console. ( Server Manager > Network Policy and Access > Routing and Remote Access)
- Right click on “Routing and Remote Access” and choose “Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access”
- Choose “Custom Configuration”
- Choose “NAT” and “LAN routing”, click Next
NAT allows your VMs to access the internet without exposing them.
LAN routing allows you route between Local Area Connections
- Click Finish and Start the service.
- Browse to “NAT” under IPv4, Right click and choose “New Interface”, choose the interface that you use to connect to the internet.
- Choose “Public interface connected to the internet”, check “Enable NAT on this interface”, click OK
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