Monday, November 28, 2016

Enable CBT in a VMware virtual machine

To enable CBT in a virtual machine:
  1. Power off the virtual machine.
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings
  3. Click the Options tab.
  4. Click General under the Advanced section and then click Configuration Parameters. The Configuration Parameters dialog opens.
  5. Click Add Row.
  6. Add the ctkEnabled parameter and then set its value to true.
  7. Click Add Row, add scsi0:0.ctkEnabled, and set its value to true.
    Note: scsi0:0 in scsi0:0.ctkEnabled indicates the SCSI device assigned to the       hard disk that is added to the virtual machine. Every hard disk added to the virtual machine is given a SCSI device that appears similar to scsi0:0, scsi0:1, or scsi 1:1. CBT is enabled (or disabled) individually on each disk.
  8. Power on the virtual machine.
  9. In the home directory of the virtual machine, verify that each disk having CBT enabled has also a vmname-ctk.vmdk file.

Setting Printer Preferences when printing in Visual FoxPro

1.Open the FRX file as a table (USE YourReport.FRX) in command window of VFP

2. Look at the Expr column in the first record by double click it.

3. It should contain printer settings - something like:

4. Change the COLOR to 1 and the output should appear in B/W colors.

Prevent or Prohibit Server Drives From Being Visible to Users

  To make changes to this policy for one of the seven default values: Start the Microsoft Management Console. On the Console menu, click  Ad...