Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Install Joomla 1.5

1. Install a CentOS 5.1 with minimum component

2. Install Apache, PHP and mySQL by using yum:

yum -y install httpd php mysql mysql-server php-mysql php-mbstring libmcrypt php-mcrypt

3. Download phpMyAdmin from http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php to /tmp

4. unzip the zip file

5. move the file to /var/www/html

mv ./phpMyAdmin- /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin

6. start httpd and mysqld

7. copy config.sample.inc.php to config.inc.php

cp ./config.sample.inc.php ./config.inc.php

8. Edit the config.inc.php in following line

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ' xxxxxxx'; where xxxxx is a string

9. change the password of mysql

mysqladmin -u root password ‘xxxxx’ where xxxxx is a the password of mysql admin

10. Create a folder mkdir /var/www/html/Joomla

11. Download Joomla to the folder Joomla

12. unzip the file

13. Open a browser in a same network

http://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/Joomla where xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx is the IP of the Joomla server

14. Follow the screen to install the Joomla

15. Ignore the warning of configuration.php during pre-check

16. create a file called configuration.php with blank content
17. After install Joomla, copy the content and copy to the configuration.php in /var/www/html/Joomla

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